A letter to our customers during this challenging time…

We at Cranes101 and Cranes Aerial Truck Service are committed to safety.  This is our business and with Covid-19 we are committed to your health and safety and the health and safety of our crew in a whole new way.

Cranes Aerial Truck Service is scheduling inspections and operating as usual.  Our inspectors are taking precautionary measures by wearing gloves and sanitizing equipment they come in contact with. Making sure your equipment is safe is still a priority for us and our inspectors are following CDC guidelines and practicing social distancing.

Cranes 101 Online is not affected by the pandemic and now is a perfect time to get your idling workforce their MA Hoisting License CE’s or safety training.  We offer safety training courses for Signalperson/Rigging, Overhead Crane and Forklift, all of which meet and/or exceed OSHA standards. In addition, we expect to have another online course for Mobile Elevated Work Platform Operator Safety Training up and running very soon.

Go to customer-portal.cranes101.com/listings to sign up for an individual online class.  If you would like to set up a corporate account, please contact heather@cranes101.com.

Cranes 101 is adapting to this new normal as best we can.  We are still scheduling live classes but request attendance be limited to 9 persons, be held in a space large enough to accommodate proper social distancing of 6 feet between attendees, and be properly sanitized before and after the class. 

If you do not have the proper space at your facility, we can safely accommodate you at our facility here at 57 Mendon Street, Bellingham MA.

This is a difficult time for all of us but we know that our businesses will get back to normal at some point.  

 We are in this together and together we will get through this.

Stay safe.  Stay healthy,

The staff at Cranes101, Cranes Aerial Truck Service and Cranes101 Online