We at Cranes101 pride ourselves in being The Safety Training Specialists. We are committed to not just teach operating equipment safely; we want you, our customers, to be confident our classes are safe to attend.
What’s the new normal at Cranes101?
- We have reduced our class sizes to 9 students or fewer plus one instructor.
- We provide disposable surgical masks to students and instructors to be worn during class time.
- One student can sit per table in our classroom, in keeping with the social distancing guidelines.
- We santize our facilities before and after classes are held.
- Testing groups in our computer lab are kept small; no more than 3 students at a time can test with a proctor in our Bellingham location. Other testing facilities will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Our operator safety training for bucket trucks and MEWPs/personnel lifts as well as signal person/rigger certification classes are ideal for small class sizes. We can accomodate your scheduling needs.
We are also hosting an open nationally accredited mobile crane operator certification course May 18-20. If you are interested in getting your crane license required by OSHA, this is the perfect opportunity for you.
Finally, as always, we have a growing selection of online classes: operator safety, signal person/rigger certification, and MA hoisting engineer license prep and continuing education. Take the courses you need in the safety of your own home. You can take these courses on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Check out our online course catalog.
We are all in this together adapting to the new normal. And if CDC guidance changes, we will change with it. No matter what, Cranes101 is back to business, committed to your safety and ours.