Overhead Crane Safety Online – New Course

overhead crane

Cranes101 is proud to announce we are expanding our online course offerings. We now have available Overhead Crane Operator Safety online, built to the OSHA 1910.179 and ASME B30.16 standards. With this new online course, we package in a free handsignals handout as well as a qualification form for your employer (or us, as a third-party to come to your employer and perform) and a pre-use inspection form.

Upon course completion, you will get a certificate that your employer will want for their records. What it means is that you have taken the course on the safety standards and passed the final exam at an 80 or above. You should still have hands-on training on the equipment you will be using at work.

Along with our forklift operator safety online, we are building out our industrial offerings. This course is perfect for people who work in warehouses, heavy equipment repair, shipbuilding, concrete manufacturing, power plants, and more.

To check out what it covers, as well as our live class option if you prefer, check out our course listing here. If you would prefer to register for Overhead Crane Safety Online for $79, click the button below.

We’re excited to offer you this new course. Continue to watch this space as we hope to release a Personnel Lift/MEWP Operator Safety Online soon.

Originally published March 2020, updated May 2024