June 2023 Industry Resources

June is National Safety Month! As always, here are some articles we found this month for you around the Internet.

In a Real Aerial Rescue, How Will You Respond?

From TCI Magazine, the author details how one such rescue went down, and how it could have been so much worse.

Lockout/Tagout update now “long-term” action in latest regulatory agenda

Lockout/tagout needs an OSHA makeover. Safety & Health Magazine updates us on where OSHA is with the process. When it is updated, you can be sure, Cranes101 will update our Lockout/Tagout training to be right on the cutting edge.

DOJ Urges Employers to Protect Outdoor Workers Poor Air Quality

The wildfires in Canada affected the air quality severely for many of us, especially for those working outside. This EHS Today article highlights employer responsibilities in keeping outdoor workers safe.

DOL wants to know: How can employers create a culture of safety?

This ConstructionDive article covers the Department of Labor’s rationale for their question, and links to the official comment section, so make your voice heard!

OSHA announces upcoming fee changes for student course completion cards for Outreach Training Program

This trade release from the Department of Labor discusses the fee increase for replacement OSHA 10 and 30 cards.


This Builder Online article reports on the results of a joint survey done by NCCER and Ambition Theory.

We hope you find this June 2023 Industry Resources roundup post helpful. If you find an article you’d like us to include for next month’s post, please contact [email protected] with the information. Please be sure to check our calendar for upcoming classes in your area.

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