November 2020 Industry Resources

The November 2020 Industry Resources are here to provide current safety articles from around the internet we think you will find helpful to keep your workplace safe.

Are Your Outrigger Pads Big Enough?

This article from the TCIA Magazine discusses best practices with outrigger pads and how they relate to crane stability. Click here to read the article.

On the Safe Side podcast Episode 9: Powered industrial trucks

This podcast from Safety & Health Magazine features a discussion on powered industrial truck hazards as well as workplace contact tracing. Click here to listen to the podcast.

Eye Safety Considerations in the COVID-19 Era

Eyes need to be protected in the workplace. This article provides a rudown on common eye injuries, eye safety tips, steps to take in the event of an injury, and special COVID-19 considerations. Click here to read the article.

U.S. Department of Labor’s OSHA Announces $2,856,533 In Coronavirus Violations

OSHA released information here on employers that violated worker protections against COVID-19. Click here to read the article.

We hope you find this November 2020 Industry Resources post helpful. If you find an article you’d like us to include for next month’s post, please contact with the information. Please be sure to check our calendar for upcoming classes in your area.