November 2022 Industry Resources

We’ve curated these articles for our November 2022 Industry Resources roundup.

Survey asks safety pros: What are your biggest PPE-related hurdles?

This Safety & Health Magazine article summarizes a survey on why it’s so hard to encourage workers to wear PPE.

Despite OSHA’s efforts, construction’s death rate hasn’t budged in 10 years

ConstructionDive published an extensive look at why OSHA hasn’t been able to improve the death rate.

Workplace Safety and Wearables by the Numbers

EHSToday provides a look at how wearables can help workers avoid injuries on the job.

The Significance of Safety Signage

This article from EHS Daily Advisor provides a good rundown of what safety signage should ideally be and how it can help improve safety on the job-site.

How to Keep Workers Safe During Flood and Storm Cleanup

As we’ve seen from the recent hurricanes, cleanup is a tough job, full of hazards. This OH&S article covers some ways to protect workers during cleanup.

We hope you find this November 2022 Industry Resources roundup post helpful. If you find an article you’d like us to include for next month’s post, please contact with the information. Please be sure to check our calendar for upcoming classes in your area.