September 2021 Industry Resources

We found these articles around the internet to share with you as our September 2021 Industry Resources.

$50,000 minimum: House committee proposes significant hikes to OSHA fines

This article from Safety & Health Magazine mentions this is part of the Build Back Better Act currently under construction in the House.

OSHA to require employees get COVID vaccinations

The ETS would affect 80 million workers in the private sector, including many in our industries.

Workplace Safety and Productivity Go Hand in Hand

A safer workforce is also more productive, as this story shows.

The Rising Popularity of Safety Helmets on the Jobsite

Preventing head injuries in the workplace is good on many fronts.

OSHA Cites Contractors for Fall Hazards

OSHA is cracking down on businesses with repeated fall hazard violations.

We hope you find this September 2021 Industry Resources post helpful. If you find an article you’d like us to include for next month’s post, please contact with the information. Please be sure to check our calendar for upcoming classes in your area.