Safety Management Portal Inspections Instructions

This F.A.Q. is designed to answer questions you might have while using the Safety Management Portal as a company account administrator. If the answer to the question you have is not here, please feel free to contact us at or to call us during normal business hours M-F.

What is the Safety Management Portal?

You might have noticed the PORTAL link in the upper right hand corner of our website, which leads you to our Cranes Safety Management Portal. Inside the Portal, CATS has developed a new Inspections section. So we’ve created a series of videos to help you understand how to use our Safety Management Portal to help you keep your jobsite safe and compliant. Click on any of the links below for a quick how-to! And don’t forget to check out Part 1 of this F.A.Q.

How do I request annual inspections?

How do I print inspection reports?

How do I record abatements on failed inspections?

How do I perform and record daily inspections?

If you are new to Cranes101, you’ll want to create a new corporate account. Go ahead to the PORTAL link and click on the Sign Up button to begin. Be sure to click on the Administrator button at the bottom, so we know you are creating a corporate/company account. From there, you can update any contact information, add new machines, and request inspections. If you’d like to perform daily inspections, please contact us for more details and setup.

If you have done business with Cranes101 or Cranes Aerial Truck Service before, please request we set you up using this form: