Crane Operator Qualification directive cited for release

OSHA logo crane operator qualification

Our friends over at CIS shared this article with us regarding this latest directive on the update to OSHA’s Crane Rule, the Crane Operator qualification. If you don’t have time to read the full article, the brief version is that OSHA compliance officers/field people will have the directions to start citing companies whose crane operators can’t prove their qualifications through documentation. We will post the complete directive from OSHA as soon as we get it, so watch this space.

In the meantime, we can help you get your people qualified with thorough documentation so that everyone is compliant with the new crane operator qualification directive. Our independent third-party qualification process is built directly from the latest updates from OSHA. Qualifications can happen on your site as part of a class or crane inspection package. As part of the process, our trained evaluators will also document any need for your operators to have additional training. Copies of all the documentation will be kept at Cranes101 for your peace of mind.

Having your operators qualified protects you not only from citations from OSHA but also liability lawsuits in case of an accident. Contact us today to schedule your crane operators to have qualifications on your equipment at your convenience.