Cranes Chronicles – June 2023 – 101st Edition

Cool Summer News

We are always happy to send our instructors anywhere in the country where training is requested. This past month, we had an opportunity to go to Alaska, Anchorage and Kotzebue to be exact! So even if you are north of the Arctic Circle, Cranes101 will get your crane operators certified. Check out these pictures our instructors sent back! 


And now, an important announcement. After 22 years of Cranes Aerial Truck Service and Cranes101 cohabitating as the two glorious divisions of Sturm Corporation, we decided to streamline the business and nestle it all under the Cranes101 name. Nothing else has changed – our unparalleled inspection services and training will remain exactly the same.

Our goal by putting everything under Cranes101 is to make it simpler for all of you to know who to call for ALL of your heavy equipment needs, whether it be inspections, training, or both!

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