Cranes Chronicles – September 2022 – 92nd Edition

cranes chronicles sept 2022 newsletter cranes101

How is Your Season Shaping Up? 

As we turn to fall, work can become more unpredictable. Hurricane season is in full swing, as we see from the devastation Hurricane Fiona has caused, so make sure you are ready to keep yourself and your job site safe, as well as handle the aftermath. OSHA has an excellent site on Hurricane Preparedness and Response to help you handle storms that might come your way.

You may have noticed we’ve added an exciting new feature to our Safety Management Portal. Now photos taken by our inspectors help illustrate any recommendations or failing items on our inspections, making reports even more comprehensive. These new reports will make it easier for you to get items abated quickly. To view them, log into the Portal, click on Inspections, then Inspection Reports. Don’t have your inspections done by CATS yet? Don’t miss out! Contact us today. 

In October, Jack will attend the New England ISA Annual Conference and Trade Show and the Mass Cemetery Supplier Field Day. Later on, Kizzy will join Jack at the Equip Exposition in Louisville, KY. If you’re attending any of these shows, and you’re curious about all that we have to offer, there’s no better time to ask questions!

Enjoy the cooling temps!

September Accidents Reports

While some accidents can’t be prevented, proper operator training and timely equipment inspections make your job-site much safer. Sign up for training or schedule your next inspection.

Our September 2022 Accidents Report shows some of the latest crane and heavy equipment accidents found this month online. 

Cranes Aerial Truck Service continually updates our inspection forms to ensure that we maintain the highest level of protection for you.
What’s Been Updated This Month

  • Below the Hook Inspection form, conforming to the ASME BTH1 standards

Watch this space for new updates as they happen. If you’d like more information on how our inspection services benefit your company and equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Proudly protecting our customers for 20 years.
Recognized by OSHA.  

Online Courses

Get Cranes 101 training from the comfort of your home! Our online courses are on-demand and can be done at your own pace, 365 days a year. 

We offer:

  • MA hoisting engineer license prep and continuing ed
  • Signal person/rigger certification
  • Heavy equipment operator safety certification
  • …and more

In-Person Training

In-person training classes take place at our Bellingham, MA location or at your location upon request.

We offer:

  • Mobile crane operator certification (nationally accredited)
  • Heavy equipment operator safety training
  • Signal person/rigger certification
  • Mobile crane inspection training