December 2020 Industry Resources

The December 2020 Industry Resources are here to provide current safety articles from around the internet we think you will find helpful to keep your workplace safe.

Top 10 Trends in EHS in 2020

This article from EHS today covers PPE, virtual training, and more. Click here to read the article.

BLS: On-the-job deaths reach highest level in 12 years

Unfortunately, 2019 saw more deaths than the year before, and the highest since 2007. Click here to read the article.

OSHA requests nominees for construction advisory committee

Nominations for the construction advisory committee are due January 8. Click here to read the article

Construction Industry Employers, Take Heed: “Willful” OSHA Violations May Lead to Criminal Penalties

This article from the National Law Review covers how OSHA determines willful violations and how to minimize that happening to your company. Click here to read the article.

What’s ahead for OSHA: Worker safety experts discuss possible changes under Biden administration

Safety & Health Magazine outlines what it sees in priority changes once Biden is sworn in as President. Click here to read the article.

Women in construction should take advantage of available resources

This is a comprehensive list of resources available to women, including organizations, training, and conferences. Click here to read the article.

We hope you find this December 2020 Industry Resources post helpful. If you find an article you’d like us to include for next month’s post, please contact with the information. Please be sure to check our calendar for upcoming classes in your area.