May 2023 Industry Resources

Here’s some articles we found this month for you around the Internet.

Safety Starts at the Top—and with Better Head Protection

This EHS Today article covers the benefits of Type II safety helmets on construction sites.

US Department of Labor announces national emphasis program to reduce, prevent workplace falls, a leading cause of workplace fatalities

This is a press release from OSHA regarding this program aimed at protecting everyone who is working at height.

Suffolk calls on OSHA to require suicide awareness training

ConstructionDive has this article highlighting how the construction industry unfortunately suffers from high rates of suicide among its workers and what Suffolk Construction and Home Base want OSHA to do about it.

5 Tips to Keep Workers Safe This Summer

OH&S provides information on beating the heat while at work.

On-the-job injuries: Report identifies two vulnerable worker groups

This Safety & Health Magazine article discusses the workers most likely to get injured and why.

We hope you find this May 2023 Industry Resources roundup post helpful. If you find an article you’d like us to include for next month’s post, please contact with the information. Please be sure to check our calendar for upcoming classes in your area.