Cranes Chronicles

Cranes Chronicles – Archives

Providing crane safety industry updates for crane professionals since 2004. An archive of all of Cranes101’s newsletters, Cranes Chronicles, past and present.

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What You’ll Find Here

Cranes Chronicles are where we document our progress on these goals over time. We invite you to learn how far we have come since our first Cranes Chronicles issue back in 2010. Maintaining these archives in a format that is legible and relevant for today’s readers has been a labor of love. We are happy to make these documents that span decades accessible to you in a searchable, relevant format.

Cranes101 is proud to provide Crane Safety training in person at classes and workshops in Massachusetts, nationwide throughout the US, and even internationally. We also provide third party inspections, tools for logging your own daily inspections digitally with our state of the art crane safety portal that connects your physical equipment to its digital record with QR code technology, crane safety videos and video podcast-style interview episodes. Servicing crane and other industrial heavy equipment as one of our specialties. We can also help you get the parts, documentation, and labels you need to do so in our online store.

As leaders in the crane safety industry, we are always innovating new tools to keep workers safe. Our goal is to ensure industrial workspaces are as safe as possible and accidents are prevented.

If you have suggestions for content for us to feature in future Cranes Chronicles, or ideas for new crane safety innovations you would like to see implemented, we would love to hear them, and look forward to being in touch.