
July 2023 Industry Resources

Once again, we bring you some articles we found this month for you around the Internet. OSHA’s revised recordkeeping rule to go into effect Jan. 1 Companies with 100 or more employees will need to follow this rule, per this Safety & Health Magazine article. Why Apprenticeship? One Company’s Journey One way companies are solving

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May 2023 Industry Resources

Here’s some articles we found this month for you around the Internet. Safety Starts at the Top—and with Better Head Protection This EHS Today article covers the benefits of Type II safety helmets on construction sites. US Department of Labor announces national emphasis program to reduce, prevent workplace falls, a leading cause of workplace fatalities

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March 2023 Industry Resources

We’ve rounded up more articles of interest. Check out what we found for you around the Internet this month.. SECRETARY WALSH JOINS UNION, COMMUNITY LEADERS, APPRENTICES TO DISCUSS REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIPS, $20M AGREEMENT TO EXPAND EQUITABLE CONSTRUCTION TRAINING This DOL press release covers the agreement with the nonprofit org TradesFutures in how it will expand apprenticeship

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December 2022 Industry Resources

Check out these articles we’ve found for you, our readers, around the Internet. When Safety Hits Close to Home This EHSToday article is a personal take on what it means to learn and act accordingly on safety, even by learning through mistakes. 10 Reminders Following OSHA’s Top Safety Violations This article from provides excellent

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November 2022 Industry Resources

We’ve curated these articles for our November 2022 Industry Resources roundup. Survey asks safety pros: What are your biggest PPE-related hurdles? This Safety & Health Magazine article summarizes a survey on why it’s so hard to encourage workers to wear PPE. Despite OSHA’s efforts, construction’s death rate hasn’t budged in 10 years ConstructionDive published an

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